The fully automatic self feeding mixer truck is an advanced concrete mixing equipment that has the functions of automatic feeding and automatic mixing. The following are the steps for using a fully automatic self feeding mixer truck in general:
1. 準備工作:
1. Preparation work:
- 將攪拌車移到施工現場,并確保有足夠的操作空間。
-Move the mixer truck to the construction site and ensure sufficient operating space.
- 檢查攪拌車的機械設備、電器設備和攪拌系統是否正常運轉,并進行必要的維護和檢修。
-Check whether the mechanical equipment, electrical equipment and mixing system of the mixer operate normally, and carry out necessary maintenance and overhaul.
- 確保供應電源充足并穩定,以保證攪拌車的正常工作。
-Ensure sufficient and stable power supply to ensure the normal operation of the mixer truck.

2. 裝填材料:
2. Filling materials:
- 將混凝土原材料(水泥、石子、砂子等)按照設計配合比準備好,并將其放置在攪拌車的材料倉內。
-Prepare the concrete raw materials (cement, stones, sand, etc.) according to the design mix ratio and place them in the material warehouse of the mixing truck.
- 啟動攪拌車的自動上料系統,按照設定的控制方式將適量的原材料自動加入到攪拌罐中,確保攪拌罐內材料的準確配比。
-Start the automatic feeding system of the mixing truck and automatically add an appropriate amount of raw materials to the mixing tank according to the set control method, ensuring the accurate proportion of materials in the mixing tank.
3. 自動攪拌:
3. Automatic mixing:
- 設置好混凝土的攪拌時間和攪拌速度等參數,并啟動攪拌車的自動攪拌系統。
-Set parameters such as concrete mixing time and speed, and start the automatic mixing system of the mixing truck.
- 攪拌車會按照設定的參數自動攪拌材料,保證混凝土充分均勻地攪拌。
-The mixer truck will automatically mix materials according to the set parameters, ensuring that the concrete is fully and evenly mixed.
- 在混凝土攪拌的過程中,可以通過監控系統觀察攪拌罐內的攪拌情況,以確保質量。
-During the process of concrete mixing, the mixing situation inside the mixing tank can be observed through a monitoring system to ensure quality.
4. 運輸混凝土:
4. Transportation of concrete:
- 當混凝土達到預設攪拌時間后,關閉攪拌系統。
-When the concrete reaches the preset mixing time, turn off the mixing system.
- 啟動攪拌車的自卸功能,將攪拌好的混凝土倒入運輸裝置(如料斗、運輸車輛)中,準備運輸至施工現場。
-Start the self unloading function of the mixing truck, pour the mixed concrete into the transportation device (such as hopper or transportation vehicle), and prepare for transportation to the construction site.
It should be noted that the specific usage steps may vary depending on different models and brands of fully automatic self feeding mixing trucks. Users should follow the corresponding equipment manual and operation manual to ensure construction safety and concrete quality. At the same time, the maintenance and upkeep of the mixer truck is also very important. Regularly inspect and clean the equipment, promptly handle faults, to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and extend its service life.